Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm packin' my bags and headin' west

"You should eat some cotton candy while you're there.
Not because it's typical of CA, but because it will remind you of all the

wonderful things there are in life.

Because that's what eating cotton candy does."

-J. Christian Ross


Yes. I know I have been very absent from blogspot lately. I'm a deadbeat blogger, indeed.

But, I am attempting to "reconnect" in an effort to "keep in touch" over the next couple of months. Tomorrow, I will be temporarily relocating to Long Beach, Cali for a travel nursing assignment. From there, I will try to keep this site updated with pictures, anecdotal stories and, perhaps, the occasional tale of 'lesson learned'.

For now, good bye to my family, to my friends and to this fair city that I am very much enamored with....

Until we meet again...


Blogger Jen said...

So glad to have you back in the blogger world. I have missed your thoughts. Have a wonderful time and I will miss you roomie!

Oh and what a wonderful quote!! I think I will have to use that sometime. Do we know this J. Christian Ross?? :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:49:00 AM  
Blogger cr said...

Hahaha. I feel honored to have been quoted on your blog. Especially after such a long break from the blogger world.

I hope your trip goes well. It will be a little less interesting here in Dallas without our unofficial photographer, mom and witty friend Emily.

But hopefully you will have some chances to brighten some other folks' lives out in Cali. That, or you can spin around really fast in a desk chair, stand up, try to walk over to your nurses' station and then fall to the ground. That would seem like a funny thing to do.

Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:14:00 PM  

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