Friday, October 07, 2005

Al Gore, A Broken Heart, Movie Romance and Other 4x6 Confessions

I couldn't sleep the other night (surprised?). So, I read. Then, I got bored. So, I watched TV. Got bored. Sat on my couch, thinking. Got bored. Sat on my porch, thinking. Got bitten by mosquitoes. Considered painting. Got depressed by my lack of inspiration. Read painting magazines. Got really depressed. Thought about calling a friend. Realized all of my friends were sleeping. Read, again. Got bored, again. Tried to watch 'Alfie'. Realized my DVD player was still broken. Sighed heavily. Ended up on my computer. Realized that computers are the friend of the insomniac. Wondered what insomniacs did before Al Gore invented the internet. Wondered what Al Gore was doing at that precise moment. Assumed he was sleeping. Moved on.

Ugh. Ever have one of those nights? No? Well, count your blessings. Al Gore is not a comforting person to think about at 3 am (actually, Al Gore is not a comforting person to think about EVER. But, that's another blog, altogether...)

So, on my quest for mindless 'entertainment' (word used rather loosely), I stumbled upon this particular blogsite: Post Secret. Basically, you send them your anonymous, deep-dark, secret on a 4x6 postcard, and they add it to their site. Intriguing, n0?

My secret is that I cried while reading all the anonymous secrets. Yes. I really cried. I cried for the strangers and their little 4x6 confessions. Maybe it was the weather change. Maybe it was the early hour. Maybe it was that I'm a sentimental schmuck. Who knows?

Whatever the case, it made me wonder how my 4x6 confession would read. I made a list and thought I would share some of them. Keep in mind that I don't have the advantage of anonymity, and I will have to look most of you in the eye very soon. Needless to say, these are fairly tame. But, this exercise was kind of cathartic. In a way. I guess. Or, maybe it just helped to pass the time a little quicker. Either way, here they are...

Emily's 4x6 Confessions:

1. Although I denied it at the time, I took the easy route and voted straight party on the last presidential election. Checked one box, and I was done.

2. Sometimes, at work, I eat sandwiches from the vending machine. Pre-packaged Blimpies. Can you imagine?

3. I can sit and look at my pores in a magnified mirror for a very, very long time.

4. I go WAY past 3000 miles and 3 months for an oil change.

5. I eat tuna straight from the can. With a plastic fork.

6. When someone calls my phone, and I don't recognize their number or voice, I say "Emily isn't here" and I take a message...for myself.

7. In 1989,'Fluffy', my hamster, died. I never told anyone that the day before, I had accidentally dropped her on her head. She probably suffered from an intracranial hemorrhage. I killed her. Sorry, Fluffy. I really did love you. I was just clumsy.

8. I'm still clumsy.

9. In 1989, the most creative name I could think of for my pet hamster was 'Fluffy'. Her life-partner's (equally uncreative) name was 'Puffy' (This was Pre-Sean Combs). Puffy died a few weeks after Fluffy's tragic accident. Although never proven, I believe it was from a broken-heart. It is not good for hamster to be alone.

10. I watch the end of 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' over and over again. You know the scene where Holly is looking for Cat, and Paul comes back, and the rain is pouring down, and they find Cat, and then he kisses her? I love that scene.


Blogger Creth said...

yes. I love that scene.

great movie.


did you ever get to sleep?

Saturday, October 08, 2005 4:58:00 PM  
Blogger Creth said...

...crap that website is scary

Saturday, October 08, 2005 5:03:00 PM  
Blogger amy said...

My confession: I've seen the first 4/5 of Breakfast at Tiffany's at least three times. I've never finished it, but I don't hesitate to always tell others who have not seen it what a great movie it is.

Saturday, October 08, 2005 7:32:00 PM  
Blogger Jason Mayes said...

Ha ha, I love your style of writing. Short sentences are so fun to read.

Monday, October 10, 2005 11:58:00 AM  
Blogger Jason Mayes said...

Wow that website is weird.

Monday, October 10, 2005 12:28:00 PM  

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